Friday, August 15, 2008

movie of the night-alright

REVOLVER-great movie to watch when A)high or B) have a notepad nearby to take all of the important info down. this will entertain and mindfuck you

Sunday, August 10, 2008

gainign pounds can be fun

recently my brother (james martin, asst to tim kring (the creator of heroes. the show on NBC) another parentheses is not even necessary but i'm putting it), let me in on a leg lift secret that has been helping fat people stay adequatly thin for dozens and dozens of years. i call it thai cheese, it tastes good too. but try these lifts, for more info click here
then message the myth/legend/both.

also gain those pounds back by eating some awesome nacho slim jim, its all jim this time no spicy ass slim

wow, for a christian camp and an awkward chicken they make good music

i'm talking about action camp and fetish chicken to of the most unrecognized bangs in all of mass. PA now for action camp, who are moving in later AUG. but i recently went to a concert at my high school, i think i mentioned it, if not eh. but damn they are good, like dayyemmm African American grandma damn saying, good. but check them out on itunes.....only action camp i believe, myspace music, facebook, or a direct impact booyah link **children growl**